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The present investigation includes the study of protein concentration in intestinal tissue of coccidiosis infected broiler chicks orally inoculated by the infection of Eimeria tenella sporulated oocysts and treated with Mercurius corrosivus by using the methods of histochemical techniques. The treatment of homoeopathic medicine Mercurius corrosivus was administered to the coccidiosis infected group of broiler chicks.For the study of protein concentration in intestinal tissue of the coccidiosis infected and non-infected broiler chicks, the histochemical technique was used. Histochemical study indicates that the presence of different concentration of protein content found in the intestinal tissue of the broiler chicks.Intestinal tissue of all the chicks of different groups have presence of protein content in variable concentrations. It is also observed that the presence of protein concentration was variable in different region and shows different traces like minimum, medium and maximum amount of protein content found in different region of the intestinal tissue.The amount of protein concentration was observed high in group B(INC) in comparison to the other group of chicks observed during the experimental period. The concluded results of the study by using histochemical techniques shows that the protein concentration in the intestinal tissue is demonstrated by the variable staining reaction. The concentration of protein content is maximum in the parasitic stages showing the utilization of the protein from the host tissue. Whereas the infected and treated group with homoeopathic medicine Mercurius corrosivus also showed variable staining reaction according to the presence of protein in the intestinal tissue.


Broiler chicks Coccidiosis Histochemical technique Intestinal tissue Mercurius corrosivus Protein

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How to Cite
Naphade, S. T. . (2020). Histochemical demonstration of protein concentration in intestinal tissue of coccidiosis infected broiler chicks treated with Mercurius corrosivus. Environment Conservation Journal, 21(3), 113–117.


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