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Lakhanpur block of Jharsuguda district rests  predominantly on crystalline and sedimentary rocks of Precambrian  and  Permo-carbonifeous  age.  In  most  of  the  part  of  the  study  area  cultivation  sustain   on groundwater.  The  area  is  characterized  by  shallow  to  moderate  deep  phreatic  aquifers   system.  The  present study  has  been  carried   out  to  evaluate   the  suitability   of  ground  water  for   irrigation,   On  the  basis  of  various criteria   like  salinity,   magnesium   hazard, RSC  etc.  The  majority   of  water  samples  are  found   suitable  for irrigation.


Ground water quality SAR Percent sodium Magnesium hazard

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How to Cite
Pattanaik, A. K. (2008). Suitability of ground water for irrigation in Lakhanpur block of Jharsuguda District, Orissa. Environment Conservation Journal, 9(1&2), 101–104.


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