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Quantitative analysis of both   phytoplankton  and  zooplankton  have   greater  importance in  limnological studies, Masala  lake  is  situated at 6 km  north east from  Chandrapur city.  The  phytoplankton and   zooplank­ ton  samples  were  collected  from sampliag  site  S,,  S, and  S,  in  month  of  September 2006.  At  site  S,  the phytoplankton were found in  larger number in  comparison to sites  S,  and S,,  however at site  S,  the  species variation is  noted. About zooplankton the  larger amount of zooplankton were reported at  site  S,,    Along  with  all  these  zooplankton  some  Nematode   species  were  also  noted,  these  species  were  Diplogaster fictor  and Rhabdolaimus minor. In  the  present study   the  result   of  the  quantitative analysis  of  both  phytoplankton   and zooplankton  noted   at  different collection   sites  are  discussed.


Quantitative Phytoplankton Zooplankton Lake

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How to Cite
Telkhade, P. M., Dahegaonkar, N., Zade, S. B., & Lonkar, A. N. (2008). Quantitative analysis of phytoplankton and zooplankton of Masala lake, Masala, Distt. Chandrapur, Maharashtra. Environment Conservation Journal, 9(1&2), 37–40.


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