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Bachchan Gad is a spring-fed tributary of River Alaknanda in the Garhwal region of Uttarakhand. Benthic macroinvertebrates in the riffles of Bachchan Gad was investigated during March 2008 to February 2009 at four sampling sites between 590 m tol600 m above sea level. Pre I iminary observations revealed that riffle inhabiting benthic macroinvertebrates communities in the Bachchan Gad comprised of 36 insect genera belonging to 8 orders and 29 families along with I genus each of crustacean and annelida. Dominated by Ephemeropteran, Trichopteran and Co/eopteran genera the density was highest (1300±142 Individual m?) during winter at confluence, the downstream site, it was recorded lowest (80± 15.2 Individual m) during monsoon at Pata, the headwater site.
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- APHA, 1995. Standard Method for the Examination of Water and Waste water (19 Ed). Amer. Pub. Health Assoc. AWWA, WEF Washington D.C.
- Badola, S.P. and Singh H.R., 1981. Hydrobiology of the river Alaknanda of Garhwal Himalaya. Indian J. Ecol., 8: 269-276.
- Covich, A.P, 1988. Geological and historical comparisons of neotropical streams. Biotic diversity and detrital processing in highly variable habitats. J.of the north American Benthological Soc., 7(4): 361-386. DOI:
- Crayton, W.M. and Sommerfeld M.R., 1979. Composition and abundance of phytoplankton in tributaries of the lower Colorado River, Canyon region. Hydrobiologia., 661: 8 1-93. DOI:
- Dobriyal, A.K., 1985. Ecology of limnofauna in the small streams and their importance to the village life in Garhwal Himalay. U.P.J.Zoo., 5: 139-144.
- Edington, J.M. and Hildrew, A.G, 1995. Caseless caddish larvae of the British Isles (A key with ecological notes). FBA Sci. Pub. No. 53. London.
- Friberg, N., Kronvang, B., Hansen, H.O. and Svendsen, L. M., 1998. Long-term, habitat-specific response of a macroinvertebrate community to river restoration. Aquatic Consev. Mar. Freshwat. Ecosyst., 8. 87-99. DOI:<87::AID-AQC249>3.0.CO;2-L
- Gusain, M.P., 1994. Himalayan Mahseer-Ecological Perspectives Migration Routes, River Alaknanda. In: Nautiyal, P. (Ed.) Mahseer-The Game Fish. Jagdamba Prakashan Dehradun for RACHNA Srinagar (Garhwal). pp: 123-135.
- Gusain, O.P., 1994. Himalayan Mahseer-Ecological Perspectives Migra-tion Routes, River Bhilangana. In: Nautiyal, P. (Ed.) Mahseer-The Game Fish. Jagdamba Prakashan Dehradun for RACHNA Srinagar (Garhwal). pp: 147-168.
- Gusain, O.P. and Gusain, M.P,, 2005. Caddis (Trichoptera) larvae of a spring-fed stream in Garhwal Himalaya. In: Nautiyal, P, Bhat,J.P., Gusain, O.P. and Dobriyal, A.K. (eds.) Biological Diversity in Freshwater Environments, Transmedia, Srinagar (Uttrakhand). pp: 249-261.
- Hynes, H.B.N., 1970. The Ecology of Running waters. Univ. Toronto Press. Toronto, Ont. pp: 555.
- Hynes, H.B.N., 1984. The relationships between the taxonomy and ecology of aquatic insects. (eds.) Resh V.H. and Rosenberg D.M., The Ecology of Aquatic Insects, 9-23.
- Kishor, B., Bhatt, J.P., Rawat, V.S. and Nautiyal, P., 1998. Stream Regulation: Variations in the density ofbenthic macroinvertebrate fauna of Ganga in lateral canals at Hardwar. Journal of Hill Research, I 1(1): 62-67.
- Kumar, N., Kumar, B. and Dobriyal, A.K., 1999. Geomorphic influences on the distribution of benthic diversity in two hill streams of c iarhwal Himalaya. Proc. lndo-US Workshop Punjab t..:niv. Chandigarh. pp: 53-66.
- Kumar, N., 1991. Ecological studies on the macrozoobenthic comnunities of some hillstream of the Alaknanda river system. D Phil Thesis HNB Garhwal Univ. Srinagar.
- Lassonen, P., Muotka, T. and Kivijarvi, F., 1998. Recovery of macroinvertebrate communities from stream habitat restoration. Aquatic censeu. Mar. Freshwat. Ecosyst, 8: 101-113. DOI:<101::AID-AQC251>3.0.CO;2-4
- Macan, T.T, 1979. A key to the nymphs of the British species of Ephemeroptera with notes on their ecology. Freshwat Biol. Assoc. Sci. Pub., 20(3): 5-80.
- Malmqvist, B. and Otto, C., 1987. The influence of substrate stability on the composition of stream benthos an experimental study. Oikos., 48: 33-38. DOI:
- Meher-Homji, V.M., 1978. The term subtropical in phytogeography: facts and fallacies. In Sen, D.N. and Bansal, R.P. (eds.), Environmental Physiology and Ecology of Plants, Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh, Debra Dun.
- Merritt, R.W., Cummins, K.W. and Burton, T.M., 1984. The role of aquatic insects in the processing and cycling ofnutrients. In: Resh, V. H. and Rosenberg, D.M. (eds.), The Ecology of Aquatic Insects. Praeger New York. pp: 358-400.
- Moss, B., 1998. Fresh water, man and median, Past to future. III Eds, School of Biological Sciences University of Liverpool, UK. pp: 1-499.
- Nautiyal, P., 1986. Studies on the riverine of torrential waters in the Indian upland of the Garhwal region III. Flora and fauna Survey. Trop. Ecol., 27: 157-165.
- Needham, J.G. and Christenson, R.O., 1927. Economic insects in some streams of Northen Utah. Utah Agr. Expt. Sta. Bull., 201: 1-36
- Needham, J.G. and Needham, PR., 1962. A Guide to the Study of Freshwater Biology (5 Edition). Holden• Day Inc. San Francisco.
- Negi, M., 1989. Ecological studies on the benthic communities of the river Alaknanda of Garhwal Himalaya. D. Phil Thesis of the H.N.B. Garhwal University.
- Negi, Manju and Singh, H.R., 1990. Substratum as determining Factor for Bottom Fauna in the river Alakananda. Proc. Indian natn. Sci. Acad., B56(5&6): 417-423.
- Ormerod, S.J., Rundle, S.D., Wilkinson, S.M., Daly, GP, Dale, K.M. and Juttner, L, 1994. Altitudinal trends in the diatoms, bryophytes, macroinvertebrates and fish of a Nepalese river system. Freshwater Biol., 32:309-322. DOI:
- Rundle, S.D. Jenkins, A. and Ormerod, S.J., 1993. Macroinvertebrate communities in stream in the Himalaya, Nepal. Freshwat Biol., (30): 169-180. DOI:
- Sharma, R.C., 1986. Effect of physico-chmical factors on benthic fauna of Bhagirathi river, Garhwal Himalaya. Indian J. Ecol., 13(1): 133-137.
- Sharma, R.C., Bhanot, Gcetu and Singh, Deepak, 2004. Aquatic macroinvertebrate diversity in Nanda Devi Biosphere Reserve, India. Tile Environmentalists, 24: 211-221. DOI:
- Shelford, V.E, and Eddy, S., 1929. Methods for the study of stream communities. Ecology, 10(4): 382-391. DOI:
- Singh, H.R., Nautiyal, P, Dobriyal, A.K., Pokhriyal, R.C., Negi, M., Baduni, V., Nautiyal, R., Agarwal, N.K., Nautiyal, Preeti and Gautam, A., 1994. Water quality of river Ganga (Garhwal Himalaya). Acta Hydro-biologica, 36(1): 3-15.
- Singh, J., 2002. A study of macroinvertebrates benthos substratum relationship along the altitudinal gradient in a Himalayan stream, Takoli gad. Unpublished D. Phil Thesis, H.N.B. Garhwal University, Srinagar.
- Suren, A.M., 1994. Macroinvertebrate communities of streams in western Nepal. effect of altitude and land use. Freshwatert Biol., (32): 323-336. DOI:
- Tonapi, G.T., 1980. Freshwater Animals of India (An Ecological Approch). Oxford and BH Pub!. Co. New Delhi. pp: 341.
- Trivedi, R.K. and Goel P.K., 1984. Chemical and Biological Methods for Water Pollution Studies. Environ. Publ. Karad (India). pp: 251.
- Usinger, R.L. (ed.), 1950. Aquatic Insects of California University of Califorina. Press Berkeley, C.A. pp: 508.
- Vuori, K.M., 1995. Species and pollution-specific response of translocated hydropsychid larvae (Tricoptera, Hydropsychidae) to run off from acid sulphate soils in the river Kyronjoki, Western Finland. Freshwat Biol., 33: 305-318. DOI:
- Ward, H.B. and Whipple, GC, 1959 Freshwater Biology (W.T. Edmondson, Ed.) 2' John Willey and Sons, Inc. N. York.
- Ward, J.V., 1976. Comparative limnology of differentially regulated sections of a Colorado mountain river Arch. Hydrobiologia, 78(3): 319-342.
- Welch, P.S., 1952. Limnology. 2° edition, McGraw-Hill Book Comp. New York. pp: 538.
APHA, 1995. Standard Method for the Examination of Water and Waste water (19 Ed). Amer. Pub. Health Assoc. AWWA, WEF Washington D.C.
Badola, S.P. and Singh H.R., 1981. Hydrobiology of the river Alaknanda of Garhwal Himalaya. Indian J. Ecol., 8: 269-276.
Covich, A.P, 1988. Geological and historical comparisons of neotropical streams. Biotic diversity and detrital processing in highly variable habitats. J.of the north American Benthological Soc., 7(4): 361-386. DOI:
Crayton, W.M. and Sommerfeld M.R., 1979. Composition and abundance of phytoplankton in tributaries of the lower Colorado River, Canyon region. Hydrobiologia., 661: 8 1-93. DOI:
Dobriyal, A.K., 1985. Ecology of limnofauna in the small streams and their importance to the village life in Garhwal Himalay. U.P.J.Zoo., 5: 139-144.
Edington, J.M. and Hildrew, A.G, 1995. Caseless caddish larvae of the British Isles (A key with ecological notes). FBA Sci. Pub. No. 53. London.
Friberg, N., Kronvang, B., Hansen, H.O. and Svendsen, L. M., 1998. Long-term, habitat-specific response of a macroinvertebrate community to river restoration. Aquatic Consev. Mar. Freshwat. Ecosyst., 8. 87-99. DOI:<87::AID-AQC249>3.0.CO;2-L
Gusain, M.P., 1994. Himalayan Mahseer-Ecological Perspectives Migration Routes, River Alaknanda. In: Nautiyal, P. (Ed.) Mahseer-The Game Fish. Jagdamba Prakashan Dehradun for RACHNA Srinagar (Garhwal). pp: 123-135.
Gusain, O.P., 1994. Himalayan Mahseer-Ecological Perspectives Migra-tion Routes, River Bhilangana. In: Nautiyal, P. (Ed.) Mahseer-The Game Fish. Jagdamba Prakashan Dehradun for RACHNA Srinagar (Garhwal). pp: 147-168.
Gusain, O.P. and Gusain, M.P,, 2005. Caddis (Trichoptera) larvae of a spring-fed stream in Garhwal Himalaya. In: Nautiyal, P, Bhat,J.P., Gusain, O.P. and Dobriyal, A.K. (eds.) Biological Diversity in Freshwater Environments, Transmedia, Srinagar (Uttrakhand). pp: 249-261.
Hynes, H.B.N., 1970. The Ecology of Running waters. Univ. Toronto Press. Toronto, Ont. pp: 555.
Hynes, H.B.N., 1984. The relationships between the taxonomy and ecology of aquatic insects. (eds.) Resh V.H. and Rosenberg D.M., The Ecology of Aquatic Insects, 9-23.
Kishor, B., Bhatt, J.P., Rawat, V.S. and Nautiyal, P., 1998. Stream Regulation: Variations in the density ofbenthic macroinvertebrate fauna of Ganga in lateral canals at Hardwar. Journal of Hill Research, I 1(1): 62-67.
Kumar, N., Kumar, B. and Dobriyal, A.K., 1999. Geomorphic influences on the distribution of benthic diversity in two hill streams of c iarhwal Himalaya. Proc. lndo-US Workshop Punjab t..:niv. Chandigarh. pp: 53-66.
Kumar, N., 1991. Ecological studies on the macrozoobenthic comnunities of some hillstream of the Alaknanda river system. D Phil Thesis HNB Garhwal Univ. Srinagar.
Lassonen, P., Muotka, T. and Kivijarvi, F., 1998. Recovery of macroinvertebrate communities from stream habitat restoration. Aquatic censeu. Mar. Freshwat. Ecosyst, 8: 101-113. DOI:<101::AID-AQC251>3.0.CO;2-4
Macan, T.T, 1979. A key to the nymphs of the British species of Ephemeroptera with notes on their ecology. Freshwat Biol. Assoc. Sci. Pub., 20(3): 5-80.
Malmqvist, B. and Otto, C., 1987. The influence of substrate stability on the composition of stream benthos an experimental study. Oikos., 48: 33-38. DOI:
Meher-Homji, V.M., 1978. The term subtropical in phytogeography: facts and fallacies. In Sen, D.N. and Bansal, R.P. (eds.), Environmental Physiology and Ecology of Plants, Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh, Debra Dun.
Merritt, R.W., Cummins, K.W. and Burton, T.M., 1984. The role of aquatic insects in the processing and cycling ofnutrients. In: Resh, V. H. and Rosenberg, D.M. (eds.), The Ecology of Aquatic Insects. Praeger New York. pp: 358-400.
Moss, B., 1998. Fresh water, man and median, Past to future. III Eds, School of Biological Sciences University of Liverpool, UK. pp: 1-499.
Nautiyal, P., 1986. Studies on the riverine of torrential waters in the Indian upland of the Garhwal region III. Flora and fauna Survey. Trop. Ecol., 27: 157-165.
Needham, J.G. and Christenson, R.O., 1927. Economic insects in some streams of Northen Utah. Utah Agr. Expt. Sta. Bull., 201: 1-36
Needham, J.G. and Needham, PR., 1962. A Guide to the Study of Freshwater Biology (5 Edition). Holden• Day Inc. San Francisco.
Negi, M., 1989. Ecological studies on the benthic communities of the river Alaknanda of Garhwal Himalaya. D. Phil Thesis of the H.N.B. Garhwal University.
Negi, Manju and Singh, H.R., 1990. Substratum as determining Factor for Bottom Fauna in the river Alakananda. Proc. Indian natn. Sci. Acad., B56(5&6): 417-423.
Ormerod, S.J., Rundle, S.D., Wilkinson, S.M., Daly, GP, Dale, K.M. and Juttner, L, 1994. Altitudinal trends in the diatoms, bryophytes, macroinvertebrates and fish of a Nepalese river system. Freshwater Biol., 32:309-322. DOI:
Rundle, S.D. Jenkins, A. and Ormerod, S.J., 1993. Macroinvertebrate communities in stream in the Himalaya, Nepal. Freshwat Biol., (30): 169-180. DOI:
Sharma, R.C., 1986. Effect of physico-chmical factors on benthic fauna of Bhagirathi river, Garhwal Himalaya. Indian J. Ecol., 13(1): 133-137.
Sharma, R.C., Bhanot, Gcetu and Singh, Deepak, 2004. Aquatic macroinvertebrate diversity in Nanda Devi Biosphere Reserve, India. Tile Environmentalists, 24: 211-221. DOI:
Shelford, V.E, and Eddy, S., 1929. Methods for the study of stream communities. Ecology, 10(4): 382-391. DOI:
Singh, H.R., Nautiyal, P, Dobriyal, A.K., Pokhriyal, R.C., Negi, M., Baduni, V., Nautiyal, R., Agarwal, N.K., Nautiyal, Preeti and Gautam, A., 1994. Water quality of river Ganga (Garhwal Himalaya). Acta Hydro-biologica, 36(1): 3-15.
Singh, J., 2002. A study of macroinvertebrates benthos substratum relationship along the altitudinal gradient in a Himalayan stream, Takoli gad. Unpublished D. Phil Thesis, H.N.B. Garhwal University, Srinagar.
Suren, A.M., 1994. Macroinvertebrate communities of streams in western Nepal. effect of altitude and land use. Freshwatert Biol., (32): 323-336. DOI:
Tonapi, G.T., 1980. Freshwater Animals of India (An Ecological Approch). Oxford and BH Pub!. Co. New Delhi. pp: 341.
Trivedi, R.K. and Goel P.K., 1984. Chemical and Biological Methods for Water Pollution Studies. Environ. Publ. Karad (India). pp: 251.
Usinger, R.L. (ed.), 1950. Aquatic Insects of California University of Califorina. Press Berkeley, C.A. pp: 508.
Vuori, K.M., 1995. Species and pollution-specific response of translocated hydropsychid larvae (Tricoptera, Hydropsychidae) to run off from acid sulphate soils in the river Kyronjoki, Western Finland. Freshwat Biol., 33: 305-318. DOI:
Ward, H.B. and Whipple, GC, 1959 Freshwater Biology (W.T. Edmondson, Ed.) 2' John Willey and Sons, Inc. N. York.
Ward, J.V., 1976. Comparative limnology of differentially regulated sections of a Colorado mountain river Arch. Hydrobiologia, 78(3): 319-342.
Welch, P.S., 1952. Limnology. 2° edition, McGraw-Hill Book Comp. New York. pp: 538.