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In the present paper the status of water quality of Yashwant Nagar Taalab was determined. The different parameters which were analyzed during the study are temperature, conductivity, pH, total suspended solid, DO, BOD, silicates. chloride, nitrate, phosphate, sulphate. During course of study minor differance were observed in parameter studied.
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- Agarkar, M.S., Goswami, H.K., Kaushik, S., Mishra, S.M., Bajpai, A.K. and Sharma, U.S., 1994. Biology, conservation and management of Bhoj Wetland I, Upperlake Ecosystem in Bhopal. Bionature, 14(2): 1-119.
- Agarwal, S.S., 1978. Hydro-biological survey of Janaktal tank, Gwalior (M.P.) India. Proc. All India Semin. Inchtyol., 20-26.
- Alikunhi, K.H., 1957. Fish cluture in India. Fam Bull, Indian Coun. Agri. Res., 20: 1-144.
- Ansari, K.K. and Prakash, S., 2000. Seasonal variations in rotifers population and some physico-chemical factors of Motisagar Tai of Tarai region, Balrampur, U.P. Flora and fauna, 6(1): 19-20.
- APHA, AWWA and WET, 1989. Standard method for the examination of water and waste water (18 edition 1992). APHA, Inc. New Youk.
- Belsre, D.K, 1994. Inventory and status of Vanishing Wetland Wildlife of Southeast Asia and a operational management plan for their conservation in Global wetlands old world and new edited by William J. Mitsch. Published by• Elsevier-Amsterrdam. Lausanne, New York, Oxford, Shannon, Tokyo.
- Bagdc, V.S and Verma, A. K., 1985. Physico-chemical characteristics of water JNU lake at New Delhi, Indian J. Ecol., 12(1): 151-156.
- Dave, R.K., 1994. Hydrobiological Studies of a perennial Pond at Dhar (M.P.) Ph.D. Thesis D.A. V. V. Indore.
- Dave, R.K., Prakesh, M.M. and Dhakad, N.K., 1999. Seasonal trend in abiotic factires of the lentic habitate of Kalika pond, Dhar. Limnological research of India. pp: 157-171.
- Dhawan, R.M., 1970. Plankton and hydrobiological factores at Kandi a in the gulf of Kutch during 1960• 63. Indian J. Fish, 17:122-131.
- Ganpati, VS., 1962. A five year investigation of the Almati reservoir, Madars. Parts I-4. Environ. Hith., 6:1-39.
- Garg, R.K., Saksen, D.N. and Rao, R.J, 2005. Physico chemical characterstics and trophic status of Harshi reservoir gwalior (M.P.). Abstract booklet of Nat. Sem. On Recen. Advances in aquatic biology (March 15-16). pp: 12.
- Gonzalves, E.A. and Joshi, D.B., 1946. Fresh water algae near Bombay I The seasonal Succession of the algal in the tank of Bandra. J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 46: 154-175.
- Hannan, H.E., 1979. Chemical modification in the reservoir regulated streams. In the ecology of neglected streams, ward. J.W. and standford, J.A. Editor, plenum Coporation Publication: 75-94, DOI:
- Hutchinson, GE., 1957. A Treastise on limnology: Willey and sons. Inc. New York. Landon and Sydeny.
- Kadam, M.S., Narware, S.S. and Ambore, N.E., 2008. Quality of lantic water of Bhategaon Pond in Parbhini Dist., maharashtra. Life Science Bulletin, (1):27-29.
- Kaushik, S., 1992. Ecological studies of some water bodies in Gwalior, (M.P.). Ph.D. Thesis, Jiwaji University, Gwalior.
- Khan, N.A. and Zutshi, D.P., I 980. Primary productivity and trophic status of a Kashmir Himalaya Lake. Hydrobiologia, 68(1): 3-8. DOI:
- Khanna, D.R., Gautam, A., Chugh, T. And Sarkhar, P., 2000. Impact of abiotic factors on the phytoplankton population of a pond. En. Cons J., (1): 41-46
- Kumar, A., 1996. The limnological profile of a trophica! fish farming pond at dumka (Santhal Pargana) Bihar. J. Ecobiol., 8: 177-122.
- Kumar, A. and Bohra, CJ., 2002. Faunistic composition, communities structure, population dynamics and ethology of the birds of Udhawa lake (Santhal pargara) and the strategies for the conservation in new millennium. In ecology and conservation of lkes, reservoir and rivers vol. II (Ed. A. Kumar) ABD publisher, Jaipur. pp: 4 11-434.
- Kumar, A. and Singh, A.K., 2002. Ecological conservation and management of river Mayurakshi in Santhal Pargana (Jharkhand) with special reference to effect of sewage pollution on abiotic and biotic potential. In eco and conv. Of lakes, reser and rivers. ABD publishers, Jaipur. India. pp: 1-43.
- Kumar, R.S., 2002. Spatial and temporal diversity of Zoobenthocoenosis in a fresh water ecosystem of Pathanamthitta in Kerela. In eco. And conser. of lakes, reser. and river AMD publisher, Jaipur, India. pp: 329-343.
- Kumbar, S.M., Ghardage, A.B. and Patil, S.S., 2008. Preliminary studies on physico-chemical parameters of pond water of palus, Dist. Sangli (MS). life Science Bulletin, 5(1): 59-61.
- Manimegalai, m., Umamath, S. and Binukumari, S., 2008. Limnological studies of Ooty lake in Tamilnadu. Indian J. Environ. & Ecoplan, 15(1-2): 427-433. Nair, M.S.R.; Seth, O.N. and Mishera, K.D., 1998. Limnological studies on a village pond lmalia
- (Vidisha). I physico-chemical Cha:cterstics. Proc. Nat. Symp. Past, present and future of Bhopal lakes. pp: 195-201.
- Pathak, S.K., 2004, Limnological status of Virla reservoir, District West Nimar (khargone) M.P. India Ph.D. Thesis, D.A.VV., Indore (M.P.).
- Prakash, M.M., 1994. Season al variation in the physico• chemical characterstics of a perennial pond Jhabua (M.P.). Aqu. Biol. Fish, 1(1): 43-47.
- Raj put, A. and Bhadoria, A.K.S., 1996. The study of seasonal parameters of water in Hanumantal Lake of Jabalpur. In a booklet entitled 'Assessment of water pollution' (Ed. S.P. Mishera) ABH publishing Corporation, New Delhi. pp: 342-348.
- Rawson, D.S., 1930. The bottom fauna of lake Simcoe and its role in the ecology of the lake. Univ. Torono Studies Publ. Ont. Fish.Res. Lab. 40: 1-180.
- Sharm a, D.K ., Shar m a, M. A nd Jain, R. , 2002. Physico• chem ical para m eters of Halali reservoir (M .P.) in relation to aquatic organ ism , Abstract booklet on Nat. Sem . O n Env.Poll & Fish m an ag. V ikr am U niversity, Ujjain. (Aug. 8-10, 2002) P. 23.
- Shaatree, N .K. Islam , M. S. Pathak, S. and A fs han, M ., 1991. Studies non the physico-chemical dimensions of the lentic hydrosphere of Ravindra Sarovar (Gaya). In current trends in limnology. Narendra Pub. House. Delhi 1: 133-152.
- Sheikh, R., 1993. Studies of physico-chemical characterstics of Bilawali talab. Indore. Abst. In 14 Ann, Sers. Acad. Environ. Biol. Indore. pp: 110.
- Shrivastava, S., Shukla, A.N. and Rao, K.S., 2003. Biodiversity of Undasa wetland Ujjain (IIndia) with special reference to its conservation. J. Exp. Zoo/. India, 116(1): 125-135.
- Shrivastava, C.S., 2002. Ecology and dynamics of plankton in lotic habitat, Ph.D. thesis DAW, Indore (M.P.).
- Shukla, A.N., 1995. Limnological studies on Gandhi Sagar reservoir with special reference to Macrozoobenthos, Ph.D. Thesis Vikrani University, Ujjain, India.
- Singh, R.K., 1986. Fluctuations in the composition of zooplankton population in relation to hydrobiological conditions of a reservoir. J. Hydrobiol., 2(3): 37-42.
- Sing, S.B. and Shani, R., 1978, Seasonal fluctuation of Zooplanton population in relation to certain physico• chemical factors of a Jalwana pond of Gorakpur. Geobios., 5: 228-230.
- Sreenivation, A., 1974. Limnological factors of trophical impoundment Bhavani Sagar reservoir, Tamilnadu, India. Int. Rev. Ges. Hydrobiol., 59: 327-342. DOI:
- Unni, K.S., 1972. An ecological study of Macrophytic vegetation of Doodnadhani lake, Raipur Part III, chemical factors. Hydrobiol., 39.
- Welch., P.S., 1952. Limnology, McGraw Hill Book Co. 2 Edition, New york.
- Wetzel, R.G., 1975. Limnological. Saunders, W. B. Philadelphia.
- Wetzel, R.G, 1983. Limnological, W.B. Saunders Company. pp: 743.
- Zafar, A.R., 1964. On the ecology of algae in certain fish ponds of Hyderabad. India. I. Physico-chemical complexes. Hydrobiol., 23: 179-195. DOI:
Agarkar, M.S., Goswami, H.K., Kaushik, S., Mishra, S.M., Bajpai, A.K. and Sharma, U.S., 1994. Biology, conservation and management of Bhoj Wetland I, Upperlake Ecosystem in Bhopal. Bionature, 14(2): 1-119.
Agarwal, S.S., 1978. Hydro-biological survey of Janaktal tank, Gwalior (M.P.) India. Proc. All India Semin. Inchtyol., 20-26.
Alikunhi, K.H., 1957. Fish cluture in India. Fam Bull, Indian Coun. Agri. Res., 20: 1-144.
Ansari, K.K. and Prakash, S., 2000. Seasonal variations in rotifers population and some physico-chemical factors of Motisagar Tai of Tarai region, Balrampur, U.P. Flora and fauna, 6(1): 19-20.
APHA, AWWA and WET, 1989. Standard method for the examination of water and waste water (18 edition 1992). APHA, Inc. New Youk.
Belsre, D.K, 1994. Inventory and status of Vanishing Wetland Wildlife of Southeast Asia and a operational management plan for their conservation in Global wetlands old world and new edited by William J. Mitsch. Published by• Elsevier-Amsterrdam. Lausanne, New York, Oxford, Shannon, Tokyo.
Bagdc, V.S and Verma, A. K., 1985. Physico-chemical characteristics of water JNU lake at New Delhi, Indian J. Ecol., 12(1): 151-156.
Dave, R.K., 1994. Hydrobiological Studies of a perennial Pond at Dhar (M.P.) Ph.D. Thesis D.A. V. V. Indore.
Dave, R.K., Prakesh, M.M. and Dhakad, N.K., 1999. Seasonal trend in abiotic factires of the lentic habitate of Kalika pond, Dhar. Limnological research of India. pp: 157-171.
Dhawan, R.M., 1970. Plankton and hydrobiological factores at Kandi a in the gulf of Kutch during 1960• 63. Indian J. Fish, 17:122-131.
Ganpati, VS., 1962. A five year investigation of the Almati reservoir, Madars. Parts I-4. Environ. Hith., 6:1-39.
Garg, R.K., Saksen, D.N. and Rao, R.J, 2005. Physico chemical characterstics and trophic status of Harshi reservoir gwalior (M.P.). Abstract booklet of Nat. Sem. On Recen. Advances in aquatic biology (March 15-16). pp: 12.
Gonzalves, E.A. and Joshi, D.B., 1946. Fresh water algae near Bombay I The seasonal Succession of the algal in the tank of Bandra. J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 46: 154-175.
Hannan, H.E., 1979. Chemical modification in the reservoir regulated streams. In the ecology of neglected streams, ward. J.W. and standford, J.A. Editor, plenum Coporation Publication: 75-94, DOI:
Hutchinson, GE., 1957. A Treastise on limnology: Willey and sons. Inc. New York. Landon and Sydeny.
Kadam, M.S., Narware, S.S. and Ambore, N.E., 2008. Quality of lantic water of Bhategaon Pond in Parbhini Dist., maharashtra. Life Science Bulletin, (1):27-29.
Kaushik, S., 1992. Ecological studies of some water bodies in Gwalior, (M.P.). Ph.D. Thesis, Jiwaji University, Gwalior.
Khan, N.A. and Zutshi, D.P., I 980. Primary productivity and trophic status of a Kashmir Himalaya Lake. Hydrobiologia, 68(1): 3-8. DOI:
Khanna, D.R., Gautam, A., Chugh, T. And Sarkhar, P., 2000. Impact of abiotic factors on the phytoplankton population of a pond. En. Cons J., (1): 41-46
Kumar, A., 1996. The limnological profile of a trophica! fish farming pond at dumka (Santhal Pargana) Bihar. J. Ecobiol., 8: 177-122.
Kumar, A. and Bohra, CJ., 2002. Faunistic composition, communities structure, population dynamics and ethology of the birds of Udhawa lake (Santhal pargara) and the strategies for the conservation in new millennium. In ecology and conservation of lkes, reservoir and rivers vol. II (Ed. A. Kumar) ABD publisher, Jaipur. pp: 4 11-434.
Kumar, A. and Singh, A.K., 2002. Ecological conservation and management of river Mayurakshi in Santhal Pargana (Jharkhand) with special reference to effect of sewage pollution on abiotic and biotic potential. In eco and conv. Of lakes, reser and rivers. ABD publishers, Jaipur. India. pp: 1-43.
Kumar, R.S., 2002. Spatial and temporal diversity of Zoobenthocoenosis in a fresh water ecosystem of Pathanamthitta in Kerela. In eco. And conser. of lakes, reser. and river AMD publisher, Jaipur, India. pp: 329-343.
Kumbar, S.M., Ghardage, A.B. and Patil, S.S., 2008. Preliminary studies on physico-chemical parameters of pond water of palus, Dist. Sangli (MS). life Science Bulletin, 5(1): 59-61.
Manimegalai, m., Umamath, S. and Binukumari, S., 2008. Limnological studies of Ooty lake in Tamilnadu. Indian J. Environ. & Ecoplan, 15(1-2): 427-433. Nair, M.S.R.; Seth, O.N. and Mishera, K.D., 1998. Limnological studies on a village pond lmalia
(Vidisha). I physico-chemical Cha:cterstics. Proc. Nat. Symp. Past, present and future of Bhopal lakes. pp: 195-201.
Pathak, S.K., 2004, Limnological status of Virla reservoir, District West Nimar (khargone) M.P. India Ph.D. Thesis, D.A.VV., Indore (M.P.).
Prakash, M.M., 1994. Season al variation in the physico• chemical characterstics of a perennial pond Jhabua (M.P.). Aqu. Biol. Fish, 1(1): 43-47.
Raj put, A. and Bhadoria, A.K.S., 1996. The study of seasonal parameters of water in Hanumantal Lake of Jabalpur. In a booklet entitled 'Assessment of water pollution' (Ed. S.P. Mishera) ABH publishing Corporation, New Delhi. pp: 342-348.
Rawson, D.S., 1930. The bottom fauna of lake Simcoe and its role in the ecology of the lake. Univ. Torono Studies Publ. Ont. Fish.Res. Lab. 40: 1-180.
Sharm a, D.K ., Shar m a, M. A nd Jain, R. , 2002. Physico• chem ical para m eters of Halali reservoir (M .P.) in relation to aquatic organ ism , Abstract booklet on Nat. Sem . O n Env.Poll & Fish m an ag. V ikr am U niversity, Ujjain. (Aug. 8-10, 2002) P. 23.
Shaatree, N .K. Islam , M. S. Pathak, S. and A fs han, M ., 1991. Studies non the physico-chemical dimensions of the lentic hydrosphere of Ravindra Sarovar (Gaya). In current trends in limnology. Narendra Pub. House. Delhi 1: 133-152.
Sheikh, R., 1993. Studies of physico-chemical characterstics of Bilawali talab. Indore. Abst. In 14 Ann, Sers. Acad. Environ. Biol. Indore. pp: 110.
Shrivastava, S., Shukla, A.N. and Rao, K.S., 2003. Biodiversity of Undasa wetland Ujjain (IIndia) with special reference to its conservation. J. Exp. Zoo/. India, 116(1): 125-135.
Shrivastava, C.S., 2002. Ecology and dynamics of plankton in lotic habitat, Ph.D. thesis DAW, Indore (M.P.).
Shukla, A.N., 1995. Limnological studies on Gandhi Sagar reservoir with special reference to Macrozoobenthos, Ph.D. Thesis Vikrani University, Ujjain, India.
Singh, R.K., 1986. Fluctuations in the composition of zooplankton population in relation to hydrobiological conditions of a reservoir. J. Hydrobiol., 2(3): 37-42.
Sing, S.B. and Shani, R., 1978, Seasonal fluctuation of Zooplanton population in relation to certain physico• chemical factors of a Jalwana pond of Gorakpur. Geobios., 5: 228-230.
Sreenivation, A., 1974. Limnological factors of trophical impoundment Bhavani Sagar reservoir, Tamilnadu, India. Int. Rev. Ges. Hydrobiol., 59: 327-342. DOI:
Unni, K.S., 1972. An ecological study of Macrophytic vegetation of Doodnadhani lake, Raipur Part III, chemical factors. Hydrobiol., 39.
Welch., P.S., 1952. Limnology, McGraw Hill Book Co. 2 Edition, New york.
Wetzel, R.G., 1975. Limnological. Saunders, W. B. Philadelphia.
Wetzel, R.G, 1983. Limnological, W.B. Saunders Company. pp: 743.
Zafar, A.R., 1964. On the ecology of algae in certain fish ponds of Hyderabad. India. I. Physico-chemical complexes. Hydrobiol., 23: 179-195. DOI: