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The follicolous fungi was collected from Feb. 03-05, 2008 from Sirsa forest range of Shrawasti District. The authors collected twenty plant species, representing fourteen families, parasitized by sixteen fungi species. Leptoxyphium buteae was found on Butea frondosa (Fabaceae), where as Pseudocercospora nigricans on Cassia occidentalis (Fabaceae); Pseudocercospora sp. on Hetrofragma sp (Boraginaceae) Alternaria on Achyranthes aspera (Amranthaceae), Syzygium sp. (Myrtaceae) and Corchorus olitoris (Tiliaceae); Corynespora on Lantana in(Verbenaceae), Croton roxburghii (Euphorbiaceae), Clerodendron sp. (Verbenaceae); Sirosporium lantanae on Lantana camera (Verbenaccae); Sirosporium sp. on Carico papaya (Caricaceae); Stenella tectonic on Tectona grandis (Verbeaceae); Stenella sp. on Eucalyptus lanculatous (Myrtaceae); Stenella grewiae on Grewia elastica (Tiliaceae); Cercospora sp. on Galycosmis pentaphyla (Rutaceae), Corchorus olitorius (Tiliaceae); Meliola sp. on Streblus asper (Moraceae); Astrostomella on Litsea chinensis (Lauraceae); Acrodytis sp. on Tinspora malaverica (Menispermaceae); Passalora sp on Eopatarium cannabinum (Asteraceae); Oidium sp on Sy:ygium sp. (Myrtaceae) and Coccinia indica (Cucurbitaceae).
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- Hosagoudar, VB., Archana, G.R. and Agarwal, D.K., 2007, Meliolates of Kerala of India-XXV. India phytopath., 60(2): 237-243.
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- Singh, D.P. and Mall, T.P., 2007. Follicolous Fungi of Medicinal Plants in North Western Tarai region Uttar Pradesh. Environmental Conservation Journal, 8(3):13-16.
Bilgrami, K.S., Jamaluddin and Rizwi, M.A., 1981. Fungi of India part-II Today and Tomorrow's printers and Publishers. New Delhi. pp: 140.
Bilgrami, K.S., Jama!uddin and Rizwi, M.A., 1991. Fungi• of India part-I List and References. Today and Tomorrow's printers and Publishers, New Delhi. pp:778.
Goos, R.D. and Hosagoudar, V.B., 1998. Meliola chennaiana sp. Nov. and some additional recards of fungi from India. Mycotaxon, 68: 41-46.
Hosagoudar, V.B. and Goos, RD., 1990. Meliolaceous fungi from the state of Kerala, India-JI. The genus Meliola. Mycotaxon, 37: 217-271.
Hosagoudar, V.B., 1996. Meliolales of India. Botanical Survey •f India, Calcutta. pp: 363.
Hosagoudar, V.B., Abraham, T.K. and Pushpangadam, P, 1997. the Meliolineae a Supplement. Tropical botnic Garden and Research Institute, Palode, Thiruvanthapuram, Kerala. pp: 201.
Hosagoudar, V.B., Abraham, T.K., 1998. Some interesting meliolaceous fungi from Kerala. India. J. Mycopath., 36: 95-102. DOI:
Hosagoudar, VB., Archana, G.R. and Agarwal, D.K., 2007, Meliolates of Kerala of India-XXV. India phytopath., 60(2): 237-243.
Jamaluddin, Goswami, M.G and Ojha, B.M., 2004. Fungi of India 1989-2001. Scientific Publishers (india), Jodhpur. pp: 326.
Jana, T.K., Ghose, S.N. and Das, A.K., 2005. Meliolaceae of Nagaland (India). I. J. Mycopatho. Res., 43.33•40.
Singh, D.P. and Mall, T.P., 2007. Follicolous Fungi of Medicinal Plants in North Western Tarai region Uttar Pradesh. Environmental Conservation Journal, 8(3):13-16.