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Impact of two types of vermicomposts on the nursery grown seeds and seedlings have been studied. Seven parameters were taken into consideration were organic matter, calcium, magnesium, pH, potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen. The comparative nutrient value and the impact of two types of vermicomposts on various seeds and seedlings were studied.The values of all the parameters analysed were more for the vermicompost produced from the cowdung than the vermicomposts of municipal solid wastes.Seeds of Eucalyptus, Acer and Anthocephalus and seedlings of Leucaena leucoeephala and Cassia fistula were taken to observe the impact of vermicomposts. Overall study revealed the better germination percentile and growth of these seeds and seedlings when the vermicompost of cow dung was used. It was inferred that the vermicompost of cow dung is more nutrient rich than the vermicompost of municipal solid waste.


Vermicompost Germination percentile Municipal solid waste Cowdung

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How to Cite
Madan, S., Tyagi, B., Tyagi, P., & Ashraf, J. (2009). Nutrient analysis of different types of vermicomposts and their impact on nursery grown seeds and seedlings. Environment Conservation Journal, 10(3), 105–108.


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