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The effects of whole Rayana paper board industries limited effluent (W.R.P.B.I.L.E) on some biochemical aspects of the fresh water teleost fish, Mystus vitatus were studied under experimental conditions through the course of the annual reproductive cycle of these fishes. A quantitative estimation of the amino acids and protein content was made in liver tissues, blood and gonadial tissues. The content of all these nutrient and building materials was observed to be significantly higher during the spawning phase when compaired to the other phases of the annual reproductive cycle. The changes produced in these biochemical parameters on account of exposure of the fishes for 96-h to 0.4 and 0.8 of LC50 – 96-h of, effluent, were also studied during all the three phases of the annual reproductive cycle. All the stress – induced biochemical alterations were always found to be the greater in case of 0.8 than in case of 0.4 e. effluent both the sublethal concentrations of the annual reproductive cycle of the fish, the aminoacid content of liver, blood and gonads was found to be increased, while the protein, content was measured to be decreased in liver, blood and gonads. The present study concludes a stress-induced metabolic dysfunction in response to effluent toxicity in the fish.


Stress-induced Spawning phase Effluent toxicity Annual reproductive cycle Metabolic dysfunction

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How to Cite
Mishra, A., Dubey, V., & Tripathi, C. P. M. (2010). Effect of paper mill effluent on the amino acid and protein content in liver, blood and gonads of fresh water fish Mystus vitatus (Bloch) during the annual breeding cycle. Environment Conservation Journal, 11(3), 11–18.


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