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A pharmacognostic study of Ensete superbum (roxb.) Cheesman was performed on sample collected from dense forests of Sirwel hills, district Khargone (M.P.). Evaluation of the crude drug was conducted according to the World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines for herbal standardization. Microscopic examination of the powdered drug revealed the presence of parenchyma and fiber cells of the medullary ray. The contents of foreign matter, acid-insoluble ash and total ash determined were 0.12%, 3.04% and 15.0% respectively, whereas the ethanol-soluble extractive and water-soluble extractive values were found to be 4.08% and 5.68 %. Preliminary phytochemical screening of Ensete superbum (roxb.) Cheesman was also studied. First of all plant was undergone extraction process by using various solvents like Hexane, Benzene, Ethanol, water respectively. After the extraction process phytochemical screening was carried out for identification of various active constituents in which it was found that the Ethanol extract gave more constituents than other which are carbohydrates, alkaloids, phenolic compounds and terpenoids.


Ensete superbum Ethanol Hexane Medullary ray Parenchyma WHO

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How to Cite
Patidar, P., Raghuwanshi , G., & Dongre , N. (2010). Preliminary pharmacognostic and phytochemical investigation of Ensete superbum (Roxb.) Cheesman (Musaceae). Environment Conservation Journal, 11(1&2), 61–63.


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