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The Deep Nagar Thermal Power Plant, Bhusawal in Maharashtra generates fly ash @ 2000 to 3000 MT per annum and is used for soil nourishment for two local crops namely brinjal (Solanum melongena) and ground nut (Arochis hypogoea Linn). During the course of study the fly ash obtained from power plant is characterized for its agro- properties and it is blended with black cotton soil in various proportions then further laboratory scale studies were done for growth of brinjal and groundnut plants using various blends of soil and fly ash. Growth parameters of plants including optimum proportion of fly ash for plants growth, edibility of agro-products were observed and examined for its entire life cycle. It was observed during study that fly ash proportion of around 10 to 20% by weight of black cotton soil is optimum for various crops besides this it was observed that while fly ash of higher proportion can also be used without disturbing the natural fertility environment of soil. Thus, use of fly ash for soil nourishment for above-mentioned crops is a viable method of fly ash disposal, added with the benefit of better crop yield. 


Agricultural utilization Fly ash Optimum proportion

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How to Cite
Patil, S. L., Baride, M. V., & Hussain, M. (2010). Fly ash for soil nourishment: A case study for Brinjal and Groundnut. Environment Conservation Journal, 11(1&2), 25–29.


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