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Noemacheilus montanus is a bottom feeder water tracer fish of Himalayan region. The fish moves within the minute water capillaries in the mountain region and inhabited in small tributaries of hill stream. The incubation period spanned over 40-45 hour. After 1st day post-hatching the mouth was opened and upper and lower lips were distinguished. By second day post hatching taste buds were developed on both the lips. The larvae show rudiments of barbels on second day and which continue to grow  and by 5th day post hatching these acquire slender and long shapes with many taste buds scattered all over the surface. The large numbers of taste buds secrete huge amount of mucous which is morpho-ecological adaptation in these larvae for movement as well as this protect the larvae in their habited zone.  Various taste buds are also located on the upper and lower lips which are heterogeneous in shape. These taste buds greatly help this loach to locate the food and render this fish with carni-omnivorous habit enabling them to be the scavengers of the water body where they live. The pharyngeal region was distinguished from the buccal cavity by the development of the gill structure evident by 1st days post-hatch which are also having a large number of taste buds and mucous cells. These are helpful to take movement as well as respiration in the environment having less amount of water.


Ontogeny taste buds mucous cells buccopharynx hatching

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Bahuguna, S. N., Khatri, S., Chowdhary , A. K., & Bahuguna, G. (2012). Ontogeny of feeding and digestive system in cobitidian fish Noemacheilus montanus (McClelland). Environment Conservation Journal, 13(3), 33–38.


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