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Yoghurt a fermented product is a wholesome, nutritious food product, liked by every segment of the population. There has been a continuous effort in increasing the quality of the product by fortification and technological interventions. Researchers have focused on the addition of vitamins and minerals to eradicate micronutrient deficiency as well as the addition of health-promoting bioactive functional ingredients such as Hibiscus sabdariffa (calyx) extract and natural antimicrobial agents such as essential oils to increase the shelf life and quality parameters of yoghurt. In the case of low-fat yoghurt, carbohydrate-based fat replacers like barley beta-glucan, guar gum and inulin were used and compared with milk fat. Present review focuses on the influence of antioxidant-rich fruits such as Rutub date, mulberry pekmez and concentrated grape juice on the fermentation and quality of fruit flavoured yoghurt. There has been an innovation in product design such as carbonated yoghurt prepared from sweetened low-fat yoghurt and yog-ice cream by addition of inulin. The present review signifies that enrichment of yoghurt with functional ingredients leads to enhancement in the quality, storage stability as well as health benefits making it a product suitable for maintaining good health and curing diseases of the population in a whole.
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- Abu tarboush H.M. 1996. Comparison of associative growth and proteolytic activity of yoghurt starter in whole milk from camelsand cows. Journal of Dairy Science. 79:366-371.
- Aryana, K. J. 2003. Folic acid fortified fat free plain set yoghurt. International Journal of Dairy Technology, 56(4): 219-22.
- Boudraa, G., Touhami, M., Pochart, P., Soltana, R., Mary, J. Y. and Desjeux, J. F. 1990. Effect of feeding yoghurt versus milk in children with persistent diarrhea. Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition, 11: 509-12.
- Brennan, C. S. and Tudorica, C. M. 2008. Carbohydrate based fat replacers in the modification of the rheological, textural and sensory quality of yoghurt: comparative study of the utilisation of barley beta-glucan, guar gum and inulin. International journal of food science & technology, 43(5): 824-833.
- Burt, S. 2004. Essential oils: their antibacterial properties and potential applications in foods. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 94: 223-253.
- Celik, S. and Bakirci, I. 2003. Some properties of yoghurt produced by adding mulberry pekmez (concentrated juice). International Journal of Dairy Technology, 56(1): 26-29.
- El-Nagar, G., Clowes, G., Tudoric?, C. M., Kuri, V. and Brennan, C. S. 2002. Rheological quality and stability of yog-ice cream with added inulin. International Journal of Dairy Technology, 55(2): 89-93.
- El–Nawawy, M. A., El–Kenany, Y. M. and Abd El–Ghaffar, E. A. 1998. Effect of some herb plants on the use of yoghurt culture. Annals of agriculture Sci. 7 th . Conf. Agric. Dev. Res. Fac. Agric. Ain Shams University of Cairo, Egypt, 15-17.
- Guggisberg, D., Eberhard, P. and Albrecht, B. 2007. Rheological characterization of set yoghurt produced with additives of native whey proteins. International Dairy Journal, 17(11): 1353-59.
- Heyman, M. 2000. Effect of lactic acid bacteria on diarrheal diseases. Journal of American College of Nutrition, 19: 137-46.
- Ilic, D. B. and Ashnoor, S. H. 1988. Stability of Vitamins A and C in Fortified Yoghurt. Journal of Dairy Science, 71: 1492-98.
- Ismail, M. M. 2019.Improvement of nutritional and healthy values of yoghurt by fortification with rutub date. Journal of Microbiology, Biotechnology and Food Sciences, 398-406.
- Ismail, A. M., Harby, S. and Salem, A. S. 2006. Production of flavored labneh with extended shelf life. Egyptian Journal of Dairy Science, 34: 59-68.
- Iwalokun, B. A. and Shittu, M. O. 2007. Effect of Hibiscus sabdariffa (calyce) extract on biochemical and organoleptic properties of yoghurt. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 6(2): 172-182.
- Jafari, T., Askari, G., Mirlohi, M., Javanmard, S. H., Faghihimani, E. and Fallah, A. A. 2016. Stability of Vitamin D3 in fortified yoghurt and yoghurt drink (Doogh). Advanced biomedical research, 5.
- Karagül-Yüceer, Y., Coggins, P. C., Wilson, J. C. and White, C. H. 1999. Carbonated yoghurt—sensory properties and consumer acceptance. Journal of dairy science, 82(7): 1394-1398.
- Kazmi, S. A, Vieth, R. and Rousseau, D. 2007. Vitamin D3 fortification and quantification in processed dairy products. International Dairy Journal, 17: 753-59.
- Moyano, G., Sáyago-Ayerdi, S. G., Largo, C., Caz, V., Santamaria, M., and Tabernero, M. 2016. Potential use of dietary fibre from Hibiscus sabdariffa and Agave tequilana in obesity management. Journal of Functional Foods, 21: 1-9.
- Mistry, V. V. and Hassan, H. N. 1992. Manufacture of nonfat yoghurt from a high milk protein powder. Journal of dairy science, 75(4): 947-57.
- Marranzini, R. M., Schmidt, R. H., Shireman, R. B., Marshall, M. R. and Cornell, J. A. 1989. Effect of theronine and glycine concentrations on threonine aldolase activity of yoghurt microorganisms during growth in a modified milk prepared by ultrafiltration. Journal of Dairy Science, 6: 87-112.
- Matalon, M. E. and Sandine, W. E. 1986. Lactobacillus bulgaricus, Streptococcus thermophilus and yoghurt. A review of Cultured Dairy Product Journal, 21: 6-12.
- Otaibi, M. A. and Demerdash, H. E. 2008. Improvement of the quality and shelf life of concentrated yoghurt (labneh) by the addition of some essential oils. African Journal of Microbiology Research, 2(7): 156-161.
- Ozturk, B. 2017. Nanoemulsions for food fortification with lipophilic vitamins: Production challenges, stability, and bioavailability. European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology, 119(7): 510-39.
- Öztürk, B. A. and Öner, M. D. 1999. Production and evaluation of yoghurt with concentrated grape juice. Journal of Food Science, 64(3): 530-532.
- Papastoyiannidis, G., Polychroniadou, A., Michaelidou, A. M. and Alichanidis, E. 2006. “Fermented milks fortified with B-group vitamins: vitamin stability and effect on resulting products. Food science and technology International, 12(6): 521-29.
- Patocka, G., Cervenkova, R., Narine, S. and Jelen, P. 2006. Rheological behaviour of dairy products as affected by soluble whey protein isolate. International dairy journal, 16(5): 399-405.
- Routray, W. and Mishra, H. N. 2011. Scientific and Technical Aspects of Yoghurt Aroma and Taste: A Review. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, 10(4): 208-220.
- Takano, T. 1998. Milk derived peptides and hypertension reduction. International Dairy Journal, 8: 375-81.
- Taylor, G .R. J. and Williams, C. M. 1998. Effects of probiotics and prebiotics on blood lipids. British Journal of Nutrition, 80: 225-30.
- Vadewater, K. and Vickers, Z. 1996. Higher protein foods produce greater sensory specific satiety. Physiology and Behavior, 59(3): 579-83.
- Van't, V. P., Dekker, J. M., Lamers, J. W., Kok, F. J., Schouten, E. G., Brants, H. A. and Hermus, R J. 1989. Consumption of fermented milk products and breast cancer: a case-control study in The Netherlands. Cancer research, 49(14): 4020-23.
- Vesa, T. H., Marteau, P. H., Zidi, S., Briet, F. S., Pochart, P. H. and Rambaud, J. C. 1996. Digestion and tolerance of lactose from yoghurt and different semi-solid fermented dairy products containing Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacteria in lactose maldigesters-Is bacterial lactase important. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 50: 730-33.
- Yang, T. X., Wu, K. Y., Wang, F. X., Liang, L., Liu, Q. S., G, Li, and Li, Q. Y. 2014. Effect of Exopolysaccharides from Lactic Acid Bacteria on the Texture and Microstructure of Buffalo Yoghurt, International Dairy Journal, 34(2): 252-256.
- Zacharof, M. P. and Lovitt, R. W. 2012. Bacteriocins Produced by Lactic Acid Bacteria, APCBEE Procedia, 2: 50-56.
Abu tarboush H.M. 1996. Comparison of associative growth and proteolytic activity of yoghurt starter in whole milk from camelsand cows. Journal of Dairy Science. 79:366-371.
Aryana, K. J. 2003. Folic acid fortified fat free plain set yoghurt. International Journal of Dairy Technology, 56(4): 219-22.
Boudraa, G., Touhami, M., Pochart, P., Soltana, R., Mary, J. Y. and Desjeux, J. F. 1990. Effect of feeding yoghurt versus milk in children with persistent diarrhea. Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition, 11: 509-12.
Brennan, C. S. and Tudorica, C. M. 2008. Carbohydrate based fat replacers in the modification of the rheological, textural and sensory quality of yoghurt: comparative study of the utilisation of barley beta-glucan, guar gum and inulin. International journal of food science & technology, 43(5): 824-833.
Burt, S. 2004. Essential oils: their antibacterial properties and potential applications in foods. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 94: 223-253.
Celik, S. and Bakirci, I. 2003. Some properties of yoghurt produced by adding mulberry pekmez (concentrated juice). International Journal of Dairy Technology, 56(1): 26-29.
El-Nagar, G., Clowes, G., Tudoric?, C. M., Kuri, V. and Brennan, C. S. 2002. Rheological quality and stability of yog-ice cream with added inulin. International Journal of Dairy Technology, 55(2): 89-93.
El–Nawawy, M. A., El–Kenany, Y. M. and Abd El–Ghaffar, E. A. 1998. Effect of some herb plants on the use of yoghurt culture. Annals of agriculture Sci. 7 th . Conf. Agric. Dev. Res. Fac. Agric. Ain Shams University of Cairo, Egypt, 15-17.
Guggisberg, D., Eberhard, P. and Albrecht, B. 2007. Rheological characterization of set yoghurt produced with additives of native whey proteins. International Dairy Journal, 17(11): 1353-59.
Heyman, M. 2000. Effect of lactic acid bacteria on diarrheal diseases. Journal of American College of Nutrition, 19: 137-46.
Ilic, D. B. and Ashnoor, S. H. 1988. Stability of Vitamins A and C in Fortified Yoghurt. Journal of Dairy Science, 71: 1492-98.
Ismail, M. M. 2019.Improvement of nutritional and healthy values of yoghurt by fortification with rutub date. Journal of Microbiology, Biotechnology and Food Sciences, 398-406.
Ismail, A. M., Harby, S. and Salem, A. S. 2006. Production of flavored labneh with extended shelf life. Egyptian Journal of Dairy Science, 34: 59-68.
Iwalokun, B. A. and Shittu, M. O. 2007. Effect of Hibiscus sabdariffa (calyce) extract on biochemical and organoleptic properties of yoghurt. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 6(2): 172-182.
Jafari, T., Askari, G., Mirlohi, M., Javanmard, S. H., Faghihimani, E. and Fallah, A. A. 2016. Stability of Vitamin D3 in fortified yoghurt and yoghurt drink (Doogh). Advanced biomedical research, 5.
Karagül-Yüceer, Y., Coggins, P. C., Wilson, J. C. and White, C. H. 1999. Carbonated yoghurt—sensory properties and consumer acceptance. Journal of dairy science, 82(7): 1394-1398.
Kazmi, S. A, Vieth, R. and Rousseau, D. 2007. Vitamin D3 fortification and quantification in processed dairy products. International Dairy Journal, 17: 753-59.
Moyano, G., Sáyago-Ayerdi, S. G., Largo, C., Caz, V., Santamaria, M., and Tabernero, M. 2016. Potential use of dietary fibre from Hibiscus sabdariffa and Agave tequilana in obesity management. Journal of Functional Foods, 21: 1-9.
Mistry, V. V. and Hassan, H. N. 1992. Manufacture of nonfat yoghurt from a high milk protein powder. Journal of dairy science, 75(4): 947-57.
Marranzini, R. M., Schmidt, R. H., Shireman, R. B., Marshall, M. R. and Cornell, J. A. 1989. Effect of theronine and glycine concentrations on threonine aldolase activity of yoghurt microorganisms during growth in a modified milk prepared by ultrafiltration. Journal of Dairy Science, 6: 87-112.
Matalon, M. E. and Sandine, W. E. 1986. Lactobacillus bulgaricus, Streptococcus thermophilus and yoghurt. A review of Cultured Dairy Product Journal, 21: 6-12.
Otaibi, M. A. and Demerdash, H. E. 2008. Improvement of the quality and shelf life of concentrated yoghurt (labneh) by the addition of some essential oils. African Journal of Microbiology Research, 2(7): 156-161.
Ozturk, B. 2017. Nanoemulsions for food fortification with lipophilic vitamins: Production challenges, stability, and bioavailability. European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology, 119(7): 510-39.
Öztürk, B. A. and Öner, M. D. 1999. Production and evaluation of yoghurt with concentrated grape juice. Journal of Food Science, 64(3): 530-532.
Papastoyiannidis, G., Polychroniadou, A., Michaelidou, A. M. and Alichanidis, E. 2006. “Fermented milks fortified with B-group vitamins: vitamin stability and effect on resulting products. Food science and technology International, 12(6): 521-29.
Patocka, G., Cervenkova, R., Narine, S. and Jelen, P. 2006. Rheological behaviour of dairy products as affected by soluble whey protein isolate. International dairy journal, 16(5): 399-405.
Routray, W. and Mishra, H. N. 2011. Scientific and Technical Aspects of Yoghurt Aroma and Taste: A Review. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, 10(4): 208-220.
Takano, T. 1998. Milk derived peptides and hypertension reduction. International Dairy Journal, 8: 375-81.
Taylor, G .R. J. and Williams, C. M. 1998. Effects of probiotics and prebiotics on blood lipids. British Journal of Nutrition, 80: 225-30.
Vadewater, K. and Vickers, Z. 1996. Higher protein foods produce greater sensory specific satiety. Physiology and Behavior, 59(3): 579-83.
Van't, V. P., Dekker, J. M., Lamers, J. W., Kok, F. J., Schouten, E. G., Brants, H. A. and Hermus, R J. 1989. Consumption of fermented milk products and breast cancer: a case-control study in The Netherlands. Cancer research, 49(14): 4020-23.
Vesa, T. H., Marteau, P. H., Zidi, S., Briet, F. S., Pochart, P. H. and Rambaud, J. C. 1996. Digestion and tolerance of lactose from yoghurt and different semi-solid fermented dairy products containing Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacteria in lactose maldigesters-Is bacterial lactase important. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 50: 730-33.
Yang, T. X., Wu, K. Y., Wang, F. X., Liang, L., Liu, Q. S., G, Li, and Li, Q. Y. 2014. Effect of Exopolysaccharides from Lactic Acid Bacteria on the Texture and Microstructure of Buffalo Yoghurt, International Dairy Journal, 34(2): 252-256.
Zacharof, M. P. and Lovitt, R. W. 2012. Bacteriocins Produced by Lactic Acid Bacteria, APCBEE Procedia, 2: 50-56.