Main Article Content
The study was conducted with a sample of 120 sericulture farmers in Kamrup district of Assam in three development blocks viz. Bongaon, Boko and Chayani Borduwa. The study revealed that majority (43.33%) of the respondents belonged to middle age group, 36.67% were illiterate, 45.83% belonged to small size family and 69.17% had pucca house. In case of operational land holding majority (34.17%) of the respondents possessed small size of land holding, 33.95% had annual income ranging from Rs.75,001-1,00,000, 75.00% had medium level of extension contact, 61.67% had moderate level of risk bearing ability, 59.17% had moderate level of decision-making ability and only 23.33% had received training. Most of the respondents (35.00%) practiced “Sericulture +paddy+plantation crops” followed by “Sericulture+paddy+piggery" (15.83%) and “Sericulture+paddy+fruits” (12.50%) as their livelihood options. Education, family size, house type, operational land holding risk bearing ability and decision-making ability have significant relationship on livelihood options.
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Kumar, R., Nath, C.P., Tripathi, C.M., Kumar, P., Bhat, S., Kumar, R., and Praharaj, C.S. (2020). Sustainable livelihood management of small holders farmers through crop and livestock enterprises. Indian Journal of Extension Education. 56(2), 43-48.
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Rabha, P., and Saikia, M. (2021). Women participation in eri culture with special reference to Kamrup district of Assam. Indian Journal of Extension Education, 57(4), 28-31. DOI:
Ramya, H.R., Satya Gopal, P.V., Prasad, S.V., and Raja, L. (2017). Characteristics determining the livelihood security of the tribal farmers. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, 6(7), 4462-4470. DOI:
Sahu, P. K. (2010). Agriculture & Applied Statistics-I (Reprinted). Kalyani Publishers, New Delhi, pp.1-401
Sarkar, M., Majumdar, M., and Ghosh, A. (2017). Critical analysis on role of women in sericulture industry. International Journal of Social Science, 6(3), 211-222. DOI:
Soini, E. (2005). Changing livelihoods on the slopes of Mt. Kilimanjaro, Tanzania: challenges and opportunities in the chagga homegarden system. Agroforestry Systems, 64(2), 157-167. DOI:
Yadav, P., and Dahiya, D. S. (2020). Knowledge and adoption of marigold cultivation practices of women farmers in Gurugram district of Haryana. Indian Journal of Extension Education, 56(2), 99-102.