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Biofuels are derived from renewable bio-mass resources and, therefore, provide a strategic advantage to promote sustainable development and to supplement conventional energy sources in meeting the rapidly increasing requirements for transportation fuels associated with high economic growth, as well as in meeting the energy needs of India’s vast rural population. India is major producer of potable and industrial alcohols. The majority of distilleries use molasses as a feed stock. Ethyl alcohol is an important feed stock for the manufacturer of various chemicals. The effluent from the distillery is described as spent wash/vinasse. It was recognized in 2001 by the CPCB that concentrating or drying the spent wash and burning it with ancillary fuel, with energy recovery in the form of steam, is the most attractive alternative as a fertilizer. Distillery Spent Wash (DSW) is a rich source of organic matter and nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium and sulfur. In addition, it contains sufficient amount of micro-nutrients such as iron, zinc, copper, manganese, boron, and molybdenum. Vinasse incineration can claim to be the best viable solution to treat distillery vinasse economically to meet the zero liquid discharge target of the industry. This review indicates that a wide range of
biological as well as physicochemical treatments, over the years for the treatment of distillery spent wash. No single technology can be employed for absolute treatment of distillery spent wash. There is a need to use a mix of treatment options with adequate protocols and guidelines so that spentwash can be gainfully utilized for biogas generation, biocompost, ferti-irrigation, one time land application, irrigation, sodic land reclamation and co-processing.
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- AIDA, 2008. “Ethanol opportunities and challenges”, URL, visited on 24th March 2008.
- Joshi, H.C., Karla, N., Chaudhary, A. and Deb, D.L, 1994. Environmental issues related with distillery effluent utilization in agriculture in India. Asia Pac J Environ Dev., 1: 92–103.
- Alhat, E., Nimbalkar D., and Ghole, V.2014. Enhancement of Calorific Value of Bagasse with Distillery Spentwash through Briquetting. International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, 3(11):17376-17381,
- Ali, N., Ayub, S. and Ahmad, J. 2015. A Study on Economic Treatment of Distillery Effluent. Int J Cur Res Rev., 7(11): 8-12.
- Arimi, M.M., Zhang, Y., Götz, G., Kiriamiti, K. and Geiben, S.U. 2014. Antimicrobial colorants in molasses distillery wastewater and their removal technologies. Int. Biodeterior. Biodegrad. 87: 34–43.
- Ayub, S., Ali, N. and Haleem, H. 2012. Impact of Distillery Effluent on ground water: A review. International Conference “Emerging trends in Engineering and Technology” held at TMU, Muradabad, April 6-7.
- Balasubramanian, S. and Kannan, P. 2016. Spent Wash/Vinasse/Stillage Incineration Technology. Proc S Afr Sug Technol Ass., 89: 487-497.
- Bernardo, E.C., Egashira, R. and Kawasaki, J. 1997. Decolorization of molasses’ wastewater using activated carbon prepared from cane bagasse. Carbon, 35(9): 1217–1221.
- Bhutiani, Rakesh, Khanna, D.R. and Sarkar, P. 2003. Waste management strategy of a fertilizer Plant. Env. Cons. Jr. 4(1-3): 109-122.
- Chaudhari, P.K., Mishra, I.M. and Chand, S. 2008. Effluent treatment for alcohol distillery: Catalytic thermal pretreatment (Catalytic thermolysis) with energy recovery. Chem. Eng. J. 136: 14–24.
- Chaudhary, R. and Arora, M. 2011. Study on Distillery Effluent: Chemical Analysis and Impact on Environment. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology, IJAET, 2(2): 352-356.
- Chauhan, M.S.and Dikshit, A.K. 2012. Indian Distillery Industry: Problems and Prospects of Decolourisation of Spentwash. International Conference on Future Environment and Energy IPCBEE, 28: 119-123.
- Chittaragi, R. Pooja and Byakodi, S. Amar, 2018. Treatment of Biomethanated distillery spent wash using Electro coagulation treatment technique. International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, 5 (6): 2907-2911.
- CPCB, 2003. (CREP Guidelines of Disposal Of distillery effluent, Central Pollution Control Board Government of India on line at www.
- Dave, S.K., Rotliwala, Y.C. and Shah, J.A. 2013. Distillery Spent wash treatment with the use of Nanofiltration followed by Reverse osmosis process. Journal of Information, Knowledge and Research in Civil Engineering, 2(2): 109-110.
- Farid, A., Awasthi, K., Ajay, K.P. and Mishra, N 2010. International Journal of Applied Environmental Sciences, 5(5): 741–748.
- Garud, R.M., Kore, S.V., Kore, V.S. and Kulkarni, G S. 2011. A Short Review on Process and Applications of Reverse Osmosis. Universal Journal of Environmental Research and Technology, 1(3): 233-238.
- Gupta, R., Satyawali, Y., Batra, V.S. and Balakrishnan, M. 2008. Submerged membrane bioreactor using fly ash filters: trials with distillery wastewater. Water Science & Technology, 58: 1281-1284.
- Kannan, A. and Upreti, R.K. 2008. Influence of distillery effluent on germination and growth of mung bean (Vigna radiata) seeds. J. Hazard. Mater., 153: 609–615.
- Khandekar S. Yogesh. and Shinkar P. Narendra, 2019. Treatment Methods of Distillary Spent Wash: A Review. International Journal of Engineering Science Invention (IJESI), 8(01): 17-23.
- Khanna, D.R., Bhutiani, Rakesh and Kumar, P. 2003. Characterization of a treated distillery effluent. Jr. Nature env. & Poll. Tech., Vol 2(1): 113-114.
- Lakshmikanth, R. and Virupakshi, S. Arjun, 2012. Treatment of Distillery Spentwash Using AFBBR and Color Removal of Treated Spentwash Using Adsorbtion. International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, 3(11): 1-7.
- Michelle de Kock, 2015. Anaerobic Bioconversion of Liquid And Solid Wastes from the Winemaking Process, MS Theis, Stellenbosch University. Mohana, S., Acharya K. Bhavik and Madamwar, D. 2009. Distillery spent wash: Treatment technologies and potential applications. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 163: 12–25.
- Nandy, T., Shastri, S. and Kaul, S.N. 2002. Wastewater management in a cane molasses distillery involving bioresource recovery. Journal of Environmental Management, (65): 25-38.
- Pant, D. and Adholeya, A. 2007. Biological approaches for treatment of distillery wastewater. Bioresource Technology, 98: 2321-2334.
- Pant, D. and Adholeya, A. 2007. Biological approaches for treatment of distillery wastewater: a review. Biores. Technol., 98: 2321–2334.
- Patel Sanjay and Jamaluddin, 2018. Treatment of Distillery Waste Water: A Review. International Journal of Theoretical & Applied Sciences, 10(1): 117-139.
- Patyal Vandana 2015. Treatment of Distillery Wastewater by Anaerobic Methods. International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications, 5(12): 151-155.
- Pikaev, A.K. 2001. New environmental applications of radiation technology. High Energy Chem., 35: 148–160.
- Rajavel, J. 2008. Steam generators using Industrial waste as Fuel, Thermax press release, 1-25.
- Ramkritinan, C.M., Kumaraguru, A.K. and Balasubramanian, M.P. 2005. Impact of Distillery Effluent on Carbohydrate Metabolism of Freshwater Fish, Cyprinus carpio. Ecotoxicology, 14: 693-707.
- Saha, N.K., Balakrishnan, M. and Batra, V.S. 2005. Improving industrial water use: case study for an Indian distillery. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 43: 163-174.
- Saha, N.K., Balakrishnan, M. and Batra, V.S. 2005. Improving industrial water use: case study for an Indian distillery. Res. Conserv. Recycl., 43: 163–174.
- Sangave, P.C. and Pandit, A.B. 2004. Ultrasound pretreatment for enhanced biodegradability of the distillery wastewater, Ultrason. Sonochem. 11: 197–203.
- Shivajirao, P.A. 2012. Treatment of Distillery Wastewater Using Membrane Technologies. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Studies, 1(3): 275-283.
- Wagh, P. Manoj. and Nemade, P.D. 2015. Treatment of Distillery Spent Wash by Using Chemical Coagulation (CC) and Electro - coagulation [EC]. American Journal of Environmental Protection, 3(5): 159-163.
AIDA, 2008. “Ethanol opportunities and challenges”, URL, visited on 24th March 2008.
Joshi, H.C., Karla, N., Chaudhary, A. and Deb, D.L, 1994. Environmental issues related with distillery effluent utilization in agriculture in India. Asia Pac J Environ Dev., 1: 92–103.
Alhat, E., Nimbalkar D., and Ghole, V.2014. Enhancement of Calorific Value of Bagasse with Distillery Spentwash through Briquetting. International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, 3(11):17376-17381,
Ali, N., Ayub, S. and Ahmad, J. 2015. A Study on Economic Treatment of Distillery Effluent. Int J Cur Res Rev., 7(11): 8-12.
Arimi, M.M., Zhang, Y., Götz, G., Kiriamiti, K. and Geiben, S.U. 2014. Antimicrobial colorants in molasses distillery wastewater and their removal technologies. Int. Biodeterior. Biodegrad. 87: 34–43.
Ayub, S., Ali, N. and Haleem, H. 2012. Impact of Distillery Effluent on ground water: A review. International Conference “Emerging trends in Engineering and Technology” held at TMU, Muradabad, April 6-7.
Balasubramanian, S. and Kannan, P. 2016. Spent Wash/Vinasse/Stillage Incineration Technology. Proc S Afr Sug Technol Ass., 89: 487-497.
Bernardo, E.C., Egashira, R. and Kawasaki, J. 1997. Decolorization of molasses’ wastewater using activated carbon prepared from cane bagasse. Carbon, 35(9): 1217–1221.
Bhutiani, Rakesh, Khanna, D.R. and Sarkar, P. 2003. Waste management strategy of a fertilizer Plant. Env. Cons. Jr. 4(1-3): 109-122.
Chaudhari, P.K., Mishra, I.M. and Chand, S. 2008. Effluent treatment for alcohol distillery: Catalytic thermal pretreatment (Catalytic thermolysis) with energy recovery. Chem. Eng. J. 136: 14–24.
Chaudhary, R. and Arora, M. 2011. Study on Distillery Effluent: Chemical Analysis and Impact on Environment. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology, IJAET, 2(2): 352-356.
Chauhan, M.S.and Dikshit, A.K. 2012. Indian Distillery Industry: Problems and Prospects of Decolourisation of Spentwash. International Conference on Future Environment and Energy IPCBEE, 28: 119-123.
Chittaragi, R. Pooja and Byakodi, S. Amar, 2018. Treatment of Biomethanated distillery spent wash using Electro coagulation treatment technique. International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, 5 (6): 2907-2911.
CPCB, 2003. (CREP Guidelines of Disposal Of distillery effluent, Central Pollution Control Board Government of India on line at www.
Dave, S.K., Rotliwala, Y.C. and Shah, J.A. 2013. Distillery Spent wash treatment with the use of Nanofiltration followed by Reverse osmosis process. Journal of Information, Knowledge and Research in Civil Engineering, 2(2): 109-110.
Farid, A., Awasthi, K., Ajay, K.P. and Mishra, N 2010. International Journal of Applied Environmental Sciences, 5(5): 741–748.
Garud, R.M., Kore, S.V., Kore, V.S. and Kulkarni, G S. 2011. A Short Review on Process and Applications of Reverse Osmosis. Universal Journal of Environmental Research and Technology, 1(3): 233-238.
Gupta, R., Satyawali, Y., Batra, V.S. and Balakrishnan, M. 2008. Submerged membrane bioreactor using fly ash filters: trials with distillery wastewater. Water Science & Technology, 58: 1281-1284.
Kannan, A. and Upreti, R.K. 2008. Influence of distillery effluent on germination and growth of mung bean (Vigna radiata) seeds. J. Hazard. Mater., 153: 609–615.
Khandekar S. Yogesh. and Shinkar P. Narendra, 2019. Treatment Methods of Distillary Spent Wash: A Review. International Journal of Engineering Science Invention (IJESI), 8(01): 17-23.
Khanna, D.R., Bhutiani, Rakesh and Kumar, P. 2003. Characterization of a treated distillery effluent. Jr. Nature env. & Poll. Tech., Vol 2(1): 113-114.
Lakshmikanth, R. and Virupakshi, S. Arjun, 2012. Treatment of Distillery Spentwash Using AFBBR and Color Removal of Treated Spentwash Using Adsorbtion. International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, 3(11): 1-7.
Michelle de Kock, 2015. Anaerobic Bioconversion of Liquid And Solid Wastes from the Winemaking Process, MS Theis, Stellenbosch University. Mohana, S., Acharya K. Bhavik and Madamwar, D. 2009. Distillery spent wash: Treatment technologies and potential applications. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 163: 12–25.
Nandy, T., Shastri, S. and Kaul, S.N. 2002. Wastewater management in a cane molasses distillery involving bioresource recovery. Journal of Environmental Management, (65): 25-38.
Pant, D. and Adholeya, A. 2007. Biological approaches for treatment of distillery wastewater. Bioresource Technology, 98: 2321-2334.
Pant, D. and Adholeya, A. 2007. Biological approaches for treatment of distillery wastewater: a review. Biores. Technol., 98: 2321–2334.
Patel Sanjay and Jamaluddin, 2018. Treatment of Distillery Waste Water: A Review. International Journal of Theoretical & Applied Sciences, 10(1): 117-139.
Patyal Vandana 2015. Treatment of Distillery Wastewater by Anaerobic Methods. International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications, 5(12): 151-155.
Pikaev, A.K. 2001. New environmental applications of radiation technology. High Energy Chem., 35: 148–160.
Rajavel, J. 2008. Steam generators using Industrial waste as Fuel, Thermax press release, 1-25.
Ramkritinan, C.M., Kumaraguru, A.K. and Balasubramanian, M.P. 2005. Impact of Distillery Effluent on Carbohydrate Metabolism of Freshwater Fish, Cyprinus carpio. Ecotoxicology, 14: 693-707.
Saha, N.K., Balakrishnan, M. and Batra, V.S. 2005. Improving industrial water use: case study for an Indian distillery. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 43: 163-174.
Saha, N.K., Balakrishnan, M. and Batra, V.S. 2005. Improving industrial water use: case study for an Indian distillery. Res. Conserv. Recycl., 43: 163–174.
Sangave, P.C. and Pandit, A.B. 2004. Ultrasound pretreatment for enhanced biodegradability of the distillery wastewater, Ultrason. Sonochem. 11: 197–203.
Shivajirao, P.A. 2012. Treatment of Distillery Wastewater Using Membrane Technologies. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Studies, 1(3): 275-283.
Wagh, P. Manoj. and Nemade, P.D. 2015. Treatment of Distillery Spent Wash by Using Chemical Coagulation (CC) and Electro - coagulation [EC]. American Journal of Environmental Protection, 3(5): 159-163.